Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What I Learned Over My Winter Vacation

Last week, my kids were on winter vacation. A whole week of mommy-Aaron-Camryn time. More time than I've ever been alone with them in their entire lives. It was interesting, I have to say. But I did learn a lot. Here's my list.

  • Full week school vacations are long.
  • There is ALOT of together-time when one parent is working and the other is home with both kids all day.
  • If I make plans too far in advance with certain friends, they will most definitely flake out on me at the last minute.
  • I need to mentally be on vacation when my kids are on vacation and have low expectations of getting work done, and prepare for that during the week before.
It's not a lot, but I will hopefully be prepared next vacation.

See what everyone else has learned in this great weekly carnival from Musings of a Housewife.


  1. I feel that way about when my husband is on break from school (he's a teacher.) I have to have our week (or summer) VERY scheduled, otherwise there's a lot of "What are we doing today?" And a lot of explaining that sometimes, going to Target and the post office IS the day.

  2. oh no, you won't - they never work out the way you think they will at least not at my house

    they make for good bloggin though

  3. Oh my word. Full week school vacations ARE long. Yes, they are. But they do make you appreciate teachers, don't they? ;-)

  4. I aim low - all minor accomplishments when the kids are off school are celebrated!!!

  5. We have a 2 week spring break coming up starting next Monday. Pray for me. :)


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